dijous, 3 de juny del 2010

In my school there are 5 wonderful people. Since last year that we didn't separate, they helped me with any problem, they supporting me in everything I do, they understand me.I want to thank these five wonderful girls, for all the moments that we pass together, for all the memories I can save on my mind, all they have done for me. I hope that never, never, we will be separate, 'cause I believe that without all of you it would be more difficult to live.

3 comentaris:

  1. I Love this photo!! hehe and i love you so much!!! you are very important for me! thanks for all! :$ X.O.X.O

  2. OOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!! I love this detail, it's a marvelous detail! Thanks for all, I love you!

  3. Adriiiii oooooh I love this photoooo! and I love you, we never separate
    Thanks for all moments!
